Journal Entry – Week 12 “What’s A Business For?” § Based on what you read in the first two pages (pages 3 and 4), why are virtue and integrity so vital to an economy? I thought a really great quote from this article to answer this question is, “Market rely on rules and laws, but those rules and laws in turn depend on truth and trust. Conceal truth or erode trust, and the game becomes so unreliable that no one will want to play” (Handy, C. 2002. Para. 2). When people become so greedy and self-centered that they are only concerned about their own profit – no matter how it is obtained – others are made to suffer. I think of the people who try to defraud insurance companies. Insurance companies have to raise their rates to cover the cost of such fraud. As my father often told his children, “One bad apple can spoil the whole barrel.” Though fraud isn’t a business (at least not in any definition of the term we have been studying), it does show what happens when people are dis...