Journal Entry Week 1
“Living a life of meaning is about living life with intent.”
- Did I contribute something meaningful?
- Was I a good person?
- Who did I love and who loved me?
Four Goals:
- . To discover an entrepreneurial “calling,” the startup of you
- To choose constructive habits and to deeply etch them into your character
- To select your next “steppingstone” job or begin your entrepreneur career
- To embrace Disciple Leadership by examining “The Ministry of Business”
- A discipline: Marriage and Family Studies
- Stepping Stone Job: Family Life Educator, teach workshops
- Calling #1 A: Child Life Specialist
- Calling #1 B: ?
- What is my goal?: Marriage and Family Counselor
“Make no small plan, for they have no power to stir the blood.” Daniel Burnham
“It’s not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never
beginning to live.” Marcus Aurelius
“First we make habits, then our habits make
us.” Charles
“Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his
grasp, or what’s a heaven for?”
Robert Browning Blake
“Relationships matter to your career no matter the organization
or your level of seniority because, ultimately, every job boils down to interacting
with people. People control resources, opportunities, information, and the like.
And the people you spend time with shape the person you are today and the person
you aspire to be tomorrow. Think of it as Iwe. An individual’s
power is raised exponentially with the help of a team (a network)” (Hoffman, R.
and Casnocha, B.).
This is something my husband and I talk about all the time. Nobody gets
to where they are without the help and support of members of their family and or
community (parents, teachers, church leaders, mentors, etc.)
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